Cable providers usually save a client's MAC address for a specific time, preventing other people from accessing the Internet. Power cycling your modem may help. Regards, J Wick
Navigate to My Products and locate the product being upgraded. Under the Support column click the Firmware icon. Click Download link next to the latest version (. sig file). Save the new SonicOS firmware to a directory on your management computer. Regards, J Wick
Clients receive IP addresses in an isolated network. Clients cannot communicate with each other, but they may communicate with devices on the wired LAN if the SSID firewall settings permit.
SSO agent reported: OS Error -21477217406: This error is typically caused by a WMI failure. When no user os logged in, WMI gets a response as "getFields failed" which is represented by SonicOS as a negative number. This is not indicative of a user identification failure.